Thursday, August 26, 2010

Momentous and Now

In order that the day not pass without note, despite it now being past midnight, I have to write a little something about what's finally come to be.

I got a job.

A real life job.

A Monday to Friday, actual salary, actual title job.

Moving here in January was something I did with a haphazard plan and a bundle of hopes. The plans unraveled, changed, became hybrids of themselves over and over. The hopes were challenged, wilted, nearly died, but somehow maintained just enough root to finally grow into something just now beginning to blossom.

And I couldn't be more grateful.

A friend and I were talking today about the importance of religion as it relates to the way humans go about their daily lives. Belief in something larger, ungraspable even, fuels the notion that the damn near impossible is actually within reach. Days like today remind of the truth in this idea.

Yes, I worked hard and will continue to do so.
Yes, I made my intentions known.
Yes, I refused to give up.

And no, I will not forget the difficulties of the path that led me to where I am right now.
All of the twists, turns, trip ups, and down falls have chipped away the superfluous parts of my person and left a young, soft, ready-to-grow form. The journey I now face includes the ways in which I'll carve a new face out of the battered features still intelligible on that form.
The craftsmanship is paramount.

I will commit to making it the best I've ever done.