Sunday, April 18, 2010

The plan that is no plan

Today I realized the beauty of being a willing wanderer.

There are far too many beautiful places I've come across in life as a result of simply meandering through various streets and byways to allow for any dissuasion from the value of such aimlessness.

On foot for the better part of the day, I walked through Brooklyn with no agenda and finished the day with a full list of experiences.
I found a typewriter in the annals of a densely packed antiques shoppe. I met a nanny and her two talkative trusts in a miniature organic frozen yogurt parlor. I saw a movie about which I knew next to nothing...and ended up loving it. And finally, I was introduced to a new route home filled to the brim with block after block of ornate and signature brownstones.
I couldn't have been happier with the day.

And now I'm permitted to relax in the comfort of a safe space.
I'm preparing to whip up a batch of my world-renowned scones.
And the night sky beckons me to the bed where a set of long arms will wrap around me and press my warm skin into my slender bones.

I love the plan that is no plan.