Sunday, May 23, 2010

The latter, better choice

This is the first time in 11 days that I have not had to work.

It's a silly, giddy feeling, knowing one is actually free for the day. Already there is a crisp lifting inside my chest like when looking over a high ledge. And all I can contemplate is how much day is left for me to spend as I see fit. Magnificent.

Touching back on the subject of my recent bout of workoholism, as its presence has prompted this day's appreciation, I will give myself the credit of acknowledging that I elected to work hard, save money, and be prepared for the future. I feel these last two weeks of work have been directly related to that very endeavor and I must say that I am quite proud of myself for having weathered the storm and come out on top.
Sure, I'm a bit more tired than usual, I started smoking again, and yes, I drank the alcohol. But I'm happy.

Goals hang in front of me like dangling carrots only I refuse to be fooled into thankless mobility. The moves I make are based on rewards I craft for myself out of what I already possess.
I think this may be part of the mysterious arcana that is searching for purpose.

But here I sit, wasting away this free day of mine in front of a colorful screen, when I very well could be running wild in the streets.
Lord knows that latter is always the better choice.