Thursday, May 13, 2010

Life as a pot of tea

This week has proven itself more exhausting than usual.
Perhaps it's the manic nature of the weather, perhaps it's the daunting responsibility of financial planning for a new life, or perhaps it's simply me experiencing a tiny burnout.

The lovely thing about living in a city so full of ceaseless movement is that one is totally aware of their potential for resilience.
In being an active person with a will to live fully, and even to excess, I look in the mirror at a face outlined with determination. There is no other jaw set so concretely as mine, no other brow furrowed as cautiously as mine, no other eyes narrowed as crisply as mine, and thus shall I ensure my successes be not only constant but comprehensive.

This is the time of my life where everything must have its value leached out as a tea bag has its flavors steeped from it.
And I shall toss aside the disappointments like silk sachets full of water-logged herbs, looking to come upon the next most flavorful venture.