Friday, May 14, 2010

Maybe the maxims muddy the line

People say that believing hard enough can make anything happen.
I've always found such ambiguous maxims to be something of a false assurance. It's as if we're placating ourselves with the notion that saying something remotely spiritual disables the looming terror of defeat without so much as a thought given to the possibility of real consequences.

The key to success is a thing made up of many parts, belief being chief among them, to be sure. But what of planning? mindfulness? strategy? and the good old worst case scenario?

I remember getting angry with my father for being a naysayer because of his advising me to keep aware of these very facets. But the end of the line has come, the bell is clanging in a thankless rhythm, and I'm sure of only a very few things: I'm sure that I'm where I am supposed to be; I'm sure that I'm doing the best I can considering the circumstances; I'm sure I am loved.

Frankly, I wouldn't have it any other way.