Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My last night of work in Portland

Whenever I start a job I make a point of ignoring the fact that one day I'll quit the place.
I feel it allows me to invest completely in becoming an integral part of whatever endeavor the position plays into while simultaneously giving me the opportunity to see it as the best thing that ever happened to me.

Of course, with time any job sours and fades and becomes just another menial method for making ends meet. Even so, tonight after finishing my final shift as lead server at Departure I was on multiple occasions brought to the point of brimming tears.

There was Sheila telling me she would miss me, there was the kitchen staff unanimously proclaiming me a pleasure and honor to work with, and finally standing at the edge of my manager Ron's desk I simply said, "well, this is it."

This really is it.

I'm one day out from flying into the morning sky with nothing to guide me but a generous helping of common sense seasoned with an indomitable spirit and the hope of a new beginning.

Still I wonder: who will I become? how will I evolve? when will love happen again?